Updated: 6 July 2010
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Israeli Occupation Archive - israeli-occupation.org
An Archive Documenting Israel’s Military Occupation of Palestinian Lands

Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘UN’

End Palestinian demolitions in Jerusalem, UN tells Israel

End Palestinian demolitions in Jerusalem, UN tells Israel

Dozens of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem are demolished each year because they do not have planning permits. Critics say the demolitions are part of an effort to extend Israeli control as Jewish settlements continue to expand. Read more »

Irene Gendzier: What the US knew and chose to forget in 1948 and why it matters in 2009

Irene Gendzier: What the US knew and chose to forget in 1948 and why it matters in 2009

The PR war being waged by Israel over coverage of its invasion of Gaza is a critical part of maintaining the US public, if not the US government, in a state of maximal ignorance and above all, indifference, to the meaning of what is taking place in Gaza. Read more »

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    Jewish settler throws wine at a Palestinian woman

    Palestinian girl facing the destruction of her family's home by Israeli Occupation authorities - Jerusalem, Apr 2009
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