Updated: 6 July 2010
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Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘International-Law’

Richard Falk: The Goldstone report and the battle for legitimacy

Richard Falk: The Goldstone report and the battle for legitimacy

Ever since the Gaza war the solidity of Jewish support for Israel has been fraying at the edges, and will likely now fray much further. More globally, a very robust boycott and divestment movement has been gaining momentum ever since the Gaza war, and the Goldstone report will clearly lend added support to such initiatives. There is a growing sense around the world that the only chance for the Palestinians to achieve some kind of just peace depends on shaping the outcome by way of the symbols of legitimacy, what I have called the legitimacy war. Increasingly, the Palestinians have been winning this second non-military war. Read more »

Yitzhak Laor: The national choir

Yitzhak Laor: The national choir

Israeli democracy functions for Jews, who are well represented, but has been denying any representation to 4 million people for 42 years. It allows itself to do whatever it wants with them in the name of the democratic “national consensus.” Who will protect them? Read more »

UN General Assembly president “frustrated” in his attempts to end blockade of Gaza

UN General Assembly president “frustrated” in his attempts to end blockade of Gaza

“My greatest frustration this year has been the Palestine situation,” he told the 192-nation assembly in his final address on 14 September… He found it “disgraceful” the way influential members of the UN Security Council had shown “passivity and apparent indifference” about the long and cruel Israeli blockade of Gaza.

IOA Editor: Thank you, Messrs Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, and our very own Mr. Obama. Read more »

Richard Goldstone: Justice in Gaza

Richard Goldstone: Justice in Gaza

I ACCEPTED with hesitation my United Nations mandate to investigate alleged violations of the laws of war and international human rights during Israel’s three-week war in Gaza last winter. The issue is deeply charged and politically loaded. I accepted because the mandate of the mission was to look at all parties: Israel; Hamas, which controls Gaza; and other armed Palestinian groups. I accepted because my fellow commissioners are professionals committed to an objective, fact-based investigation. But above all, I accepted because I believe deeply in the rule of law and the laws of war, and the principle that in armed conflict civilians should to the greatest extent possible be protected from harm. Read more »

Goldstone rejects cries of bias in Gaza war probe

Goldstone rejects cries of bias in Gaza war probe

“I deny that completely,” Judge Richard Goldstone said… “I was completely independent, nobody dictated any outcome, and the outcome was a result of the independent inquiries that our mission made,” he said. Read more »

Israel seeks Obama backing over Gaza war probe

Israel seeks Obama backing over Gaza war probe

Netanyahu’s message is that the Goldstone Commission report hinders the United States’ war on terror. The Foreign Ministry decided Wednesday to focus their efforts to combat the report’s accusations on the United States, Russia and a few other members of the United Nations Security Council and the Human Rights Council that are involved in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

IOA Editor: The Israeli propaganda machine is going full blast. To protect democracy from terrorism, the UN report deserves every possible rejection, naturally.

See also Norman Finkelstein’s interview and Gideon Levy’s commentary on the UN report. Read more »

Gideon Levy: Disgrace in The Hague

Gideon Levy: Disgrace in The Hague

There’s a name on every bullet, and there’s someone responsible for every crime. The Teflon cloak Israel has wrapped around itself since Operation Cast Lead has been ripped off, once and for all, and now the difficult questions must be faced. It has become superfluous to ask whether war crimes were committed in Gaza, because authoritative and clear-cut answers have already been given. So the follow-up question has to be addressed: Who’s to blame? If war crimes were committed in Gaza, it follows that there are war criminals at large among us. They must be held accountable and punished. This is the harsh conclusion to be drawn from the detailed United Nations report.

IOA Editor: The time to “avert disgrace” was a year ago, before launching the Gaza attack. The Hague is the proper place for states that behave criminally – deservedly, to use Levy’s own language. Read more »

Amira Hass: The one thing worse than denying the Gaza report

Amira Hass: The one thing worse than denying the Gaza report

There is only thing worse than denial – the admission that the IDF indeed acted as has been described, but that these actions are both normal and appropriate. Read more »

Norman Finkelstein on the UN Gaza Inquiry

Norman Finkelstein on the UN Gaza Inquiry

The main limitation of the report is it’s all cast in the language of violations of the laws of war. And the fundamental fact about what happened in Gaza is it wasn’t a war. There was no war in Gaza. That’s the main misunderstanding about what happened there. Read more »

Goldstone’s daughter: My father’s participation softened UN Gaza report

Goldstone’s daughter: My father’s participation softened UN Gaza report

Had Richard Goldstone not served as the head of the UN inquiry into the Gaza war, the accusations against Israel would have been harsher, Goldstone’s daughter, Nicole, said in an interview conducted in Hebrew with Army Radio on Wednesday. Read more »

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