Updated: 6 July 2010
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An Archive Documenting Israel’s Military Occupation of Palestinian Lands

Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘Boycott / Protest / Resistance’

Witchhunt for an Israeli MP

Witchhunt for an Israeli MP

Jonathan Cook: In addition to the removal of Ms Zoubi’s [Knesset] privileges, she is also facing the revocation of her citizenship. The measure has been used only twice before in Israel’s history — both times against Palestinian citizens accused of terrorism. Read more »

Zoabi: “Israel’s ‘house of democracy’ is turning into a house of racism and incitement”

Zoabi: “Israel’s ‘house of democracy’ is turning into a house of racism and incitement”

[Haneen Zoabi] stated that the Knesset committee has taken decisions in retaliation against her, and virtually every Knesset Member is calling for more extreme measures, including calls for her dismissal from the Knesset, to revoke her citizenship, to expel her from the country, and imprisonment. Thus, these MKs consider the committee’s decisions to be just a first step of more punitive measures to come. “Our response will be to defy them. We will continue on our path of upholding human values and human rights, calling for equality, justice and the end of occupation and racism despite all their incitement and threats.” Read more »

Knesset panel recommends revoking Arab MK’s privileges

Knesset panel recommends revoking Arab MK’s privileges

Decision to strip Balad MK Hanin Zuabi of privileges over Gaza flotilla participation passed by a majority of seven to one. Zuabi: We are victims of a witch hunt. Read more »

Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla

Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla

IOA Editor: First the Flotilla massacre; then the massive propaganda campaign filled with lies, and more lies, and then some more lies; then the attempted explanations, and the retractions; then the racist joking about murder and starvation, followed by more retractions, and now an official Israel government apology. What do you know… Aren’t we all thankful to the Israeli government for clearing it up?

And to think that all of this is supported and financed by hard-earned US tax-dollars and by tax-deductible contributions… under the presidency of a Nobel (Peace!) Laureate who has yet to criticize Israel for carrying out all these actions that his administration, like all previous ones, is so very generously financing. Not a pretty picture, any way you look at it.

On the other hand, kinder and better people decided to vote with their feet this week, to show their disapproval of Israeli actions: the Occupation, the Gaza Siege, the attack of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

They include: Best-selling authors Alice Walker and Iain Banks [and Henning Mankell] who have backed the boycott campaign; three international performance groups that canceled their scheduled Tel Aviv appearances; Dockworker unions in Sweden and South Africa who refused to handle Israeli ships;
a UK union that passed a motion to boycott Israeli companies.

Now, this is Hope, this is Change!

UPDATE: Max Blumenthal’s Nailed Again: IDF Description of Suspicious Photo It Distributed Is Retracted Read more »

Israeli racist, hateful propaganda -
Flotilla Choir: We Con the World

Israeli racist, hateful propaganda -<br />Flotilla Choir: We Con the World

An example of racist, hateful Israeli propaganda widely distributed after Israel’s attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla Read more »

US demands IDF probe how American lost eye at West Bank protest

US demands IDF probe how American lost eye at West Bank protest

A Swedish activist, Soren Johanssen who was reportedly standing near Henochowicz, was quoted as saying: “They fired many canisters at us in rapid succession. One landed on either side of Emily, then the third one hit her in the face.” Another protester, Jonathan Pollak, was quoted as saying that Border Policemen had intentionally aimed at the demonstrators.

IOA Editor: The extent of the demand made by the US embassy remains to be seen, especially since Israel Foreign Ministry says “We have not received an official request from the Americans on this matter.” Read more »

Uri Avnery Interview: Israel trying to get Gaza people to overthrow Hamas

Uri Avnery Interview: Israel trying to get Gaza people to overthrow Hamas

When Netanyahu calls it a flotilla of hate, is he lying? Not only Netanyahu, the ministers, too, in addition to a few people in uniform: the army chief of staff and the commander of the navy. In any well-run country, the head of the navy would have resigned that same night. Read more »

Israeli Navy reserves officers’ letter: Allow external Gaza flotilla probe

Israeli Navy reserves officers’ letter: Allow external Gaza flotilla probe

This Israeli naval-officers letter is important. As commanding officers of attack boats, they know the laws governing behavior in international waters and realize how grave Israel’s violation of these basic international laws was (Hebrew). Read more »

Israel Navy reserves officers: Allow external Gaza flotilla probe

Israel Navy reserves officers: Allow external Gaza flotilla probe

“First and foremost, we protest the fact that responsibility for the tragic results was immediately thrust onto the organizers of the flotilla,” wrote the officers. “This demonstrates contempt for the responsibility that belongs principally to the hierarchy of commanders and those who approved the mission. This shows contempt for the values of professionalism, the purity of weapons and for human lives.”

IOA Editor (UPDATED): This Israeli naval-officers letter is important. As commanding officers of attack boats, they know the laws governing behavior in international waters and realize how grave Israel’s violation of these basic international laws was.

In addition to the Haaretz coverage of this story, the officers’ letter states: “Based on our experience as commanders of [attack] boats and commando units… we think that it was possible to act in different ways in order to stop the ship. The approach used in the field included a high level of friction which, in our opinion, was unnecessary – and this irrespective of the nature of the resistance encountered during the raid on the ship [Mavi Marmara]. The nature of the operation [that was carried out] is contrary to other methods which were appropriate to implement, based on the understanding that the object was a civilian vessel, sailing under Turkish jurisdiction, in international waters.”

And, crucially, they attribute responsibility for the attack to Israel’s military elite rather than to activists. This flies in the face of all of Israel’s propaganda of last week.

“Purity of Weapons” is an old, mythological Israeli term that attempts to distinguish between “just” killing (nearly always) and unjust killing (practically never) by IDF soldiers. For example, to date, no official Israeli source has termed Israel’s attack on Gaza as violating this mythological standard.

MORE: Read officers letter (Hebrew) HERE Read more »

Henning Mankell: Flotilla raid diary – ‘A man is shot. I am seeing it happen’

Henning Mankell: Flotilla raid diary – ‘A man is shot. I am seeing it happen’

The myth of the brave and utterly infallible Israeli soldier is shattered. Now we can add: they are common thieves. For I was not the only one to be robbed of my money, credit card, clothes, MP3 player, laptop; the same happened to many others on the same ship as me, which was attacked early one morning by masked Israeli soldiers, who were thus in fact nothing other than lying pirates. Read more »

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