Updated: 6 July 2010
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An Archive Documenting Israel’s Military Occupation of Palestinian Lands

Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘Boycott / Protest / Resistance’

Stephen Zunes: Democratic Party Defends Israeli Attack

Stephen Zunes: Democratic Party Defends Israeli Attack

The very idea that pacifist, feminist, Jewish, and Christian organizations like CODEPINK, Jewish Voice for Peace, and the American Friends Service Committee would ally with a violent, misogynist, Islamic group like Hamas — much less any group that engages in terrorism — should be recognized as absurd on face value. When prominent Democrats — including the head of the House subcommittee on terrorism — imply that leading American and Israeli peace groups are linked to terrorism, it is no longer simply heated rhetoric in defense of the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, but a dangerous attack on civil liberties. Read more »

Robert McCartney: US student pays devastating physical price to protest Israel’s actions

Robert McCartney: US student pays devastating physical price to protest Israel’s actions

[Emily] Henochowicz became critical of Israel in the spring, after accompanying a friend to a demonstration in East Jerusalem against the eviction of Palestinian families. Very quickly, she began participating regularly in protests against Israeli policies, especially the expansion of Jewish settlements on the West Bank. … The dangers caught up with her on May 31. During a demonstration at the West Bank checkpoint at Qalandia, Henochowicz was struck in the face by a tear gas canister fired by Israeli security forces. She lost her left eye, and her jaw and cheekbone were fractured. Read more »

Israeli MKs offer response to PA boycott

Israeli MKs offer response to PA boycott

Will Palestinian soon pay price for boycott? A new bill submitted by 25 Knesset members Wednesday would see money slated for transfer to the Palestinian Authority used to compensate Israelis hurt by the PA’s settlement boycott… According to the bill, Israeli citizens must not initiate, encourage, or aid a boycott against the State of Israel. Anyone who violates the order will be forced to pay compensation to those undermined by the embargo. Read more »

Jamal Zahalka, Haneen Zoabi: an Appeal to Parliamentarians Worldwide

Jamal Zahalka, Haneen Zoabi: an Appeal to Parliamentarians Worldwide

MK Haneen Zoabi (BALAD) faces death threats as the Israeli Knesset House Committee votes to revoke her parliamentary privileges for participating in the Gaza-bound humanitarian aid flotilla and protesting against the blockade. Read more »

Noam Chomsky: The Real Threat Aboard the Freedom Flotilla

Noam Chomsky: The Real Threat Aboard the Freedom Flotilla

Like other states, Israel has the right of self-defense. But did Israel have the right to use force in Gaza in the name of self-defense? International law, including the U.N. Charter, is unambiguous: A nation has such a right only if it has exhausted peaceful means. In this case such means were not even tried, although—or perhaps because—there was every reason to suppose that they would succeed. Thus the invasion was sheer criminal aggression, and the same is true of Israel’s resorting to force against the flotilla. Read more »

Amira Hass: Not by cement alone

Amira Hass: Not by cement alone

What serves the goal of separating Gaza from the West Bank better than forgetting the sealed Erez crossing between Gaza and Israel, and focusing on Rafah and cement? Unintentionally, the runners of the maritime and media blockade focused attention on aspects that do not undermine the essence of Israel’s closure of Gaza. And that essence is denying the right and thwarting the will of Gazans to be an active, permanent and natural part of Palestinian society.

IOA Editor: As always, one can count on Amira Hass to place current events in the context of Israel’s 43-year long Occupation, and the Occupier’s long-term interests which drive Israel’s actions. Important as the focus on the Flotilla is, viewing it in the context of the Gaza Siege and Israel’s designs to separate Gaza from Palestine is far more important. Read more »

Israeli Probe: Erdogan knew Gaza flotilla would be violent

Israeli Probe: Erdogan knew Gaza flotilla would be violent

The report, published by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (Malam), said activists who attacked commandos with clubs and knives were supported by the Turkish government. Malam is privately run but is widely seen as an unofficial branch of Israel’s intelligence community.

IOA Editor: Even if this “probe” were to be taken entirely seriously – it should not, because it was conducted by a shell organization that is a mouthpiece of the Israeli security services – it does not relieve Israel of the responsibility for its Gaza war-crimes, and international law and maritime law violations.

UPDATE: Max Blumenthal’s Nailed Again: IDF Description of Suspicious Photo It Distributed Is Retracted Read more »

Democracy Now! interviews Haneen Zoabi

Democracy Now! interviews Haneen Zoabi

Hanin Zoabi was aboard the Mavi Marmara, the lead ship in the flotilla where all nine activists were killed, and she witnessed some of them bleed to death. When she returned to Israel to speak in the Knesset, she was verbally assaulted by parliament members for her participation in the flotilla. Read more »

Mel Frykberg: Israel’s media blackout, doctored Flotilla recording condemned

Mel Frykberg: Israel’s media blackout, doctored Flotilla recording condemned

Although Israel successfully controlled news of its deadly commando raid on the Freedom Flotilla during the first crucial 48 hours of media coverage, emerging evidence from witnesses and survivors is challenging the Israeli government’s version of events. Read more »

Left-wing activist Tali Fahima converts to Islam

Left-wing activist Tali Fahima converts to Islam

According to website of the Islamic Movement in Israel, Fahima converted to Islam in a mosque in Umm al-Fahm; Fahima served three years in prison for aiding the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade.

IOA Editor:The Hebrew version of this story which, for domestic Israeli consumption, is entitled “Extreme Left-wing Activist…” states that Fahima served two years in Israeli prison. Interestingly, the more-detailed original Hebrew story leaves out the gossip about her “reported” affair with Zubeidil – and this is probably as gossipy an IOA story as you’d ever find, or so we hope. Read more »

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