Updated: 6 July 2010
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Israeli Occupation Archive - israeli-occupation.org
An Archive Documenting Israel’s Military Occupation of Palestinian Lands

Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘Boycott / Protest / Resistance’

Yoel Marcus: How we became a night unto the nations

Yoel Marcus: How we became a night unto the nations

Of greatest concern is what is happening on American campuses, which are slowly becoming pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli. That is dangerous because this is where America’s future leaders are bred. But our opponents are not motivated by anti-Semitism, as our political hacks like to claim. If patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel, then anti-Semitism is the last refuge of the occupier.

IOA Editor: Marcus, historically, a defender of the Occupation, is beginning to appreciate the significance of Israel’s diminishing popularity. This Israel-centric commentator marks the early signs of change, and a welcome indication of the success of BDS and the global anti-Occupation movement. Read more »

The New York Mets and the business of terrorism

The New York Mets and the business of terrorism

[The US] defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.” The Hebron settlers’ violence is certainly premeditated. It is, by their own admission, politically motivated. It is perpetrated solely against noncombatant targets (overwhelmingly children), and it is obviously the work of a subnational group – the settlers themselves. The business of the Hebron settlers is terrorism, pure and simple. Read more »

Samieh Jabbarin released from house-arrest

Samieh Jabbarin released from house-arrest

“I was just one among thousands of Palestinians who more often than not, are prosecuted and harassed for no crime but claiming their natural right to practice protest against occupation, racism and
discrimination.” Read more »

‘Egyptians should read in Hebrew, to know what the enemy is plotting’

‘Egyptians should read in Hebrew, to know what the enemy is plotting’

An Israeli commentator writing on an Egyptian commentator’s position on cultural normalization – the opposite of a Boycott – between Egypt and Israel. Simple it is not: “We have to get to know the enemy, to understand his strengths and weaknesses, so that I can know how he thinks and what he is plotting against us,” he explained, offering an excuse for translations into Arabic.

IOA Editor: Egyptians who read English are welcome to read what Israelis say right here, on the pages of the IOA. Read more »

Israel’s Brutal Violation of Palestinian Right to Education

Israel’s Brutal Violation of Palestinian Right to Education

The outrageous treatment of the 21-year-old Bethlehem University student, Berlanty Azzam by the Israeli military is the latest incident in a long list of brutalities carried out by one of the longest and most brutal military occupations in history. Returning to Bethlehem in the West Bank, after a job interview in Ramallah, Berlanty… was detained at a military checkpoint, blindfolded, handcuffed, loaded into a military jeep and deported to Gaza. Read more »

NY Mets/Hebron Funds Citi Field Dinner

NY Mets/Hebron Funds Citi Field Dinner

Brooklyn-based Hebron Fund supports violent, racist Israeli settlers in Israeli-occupied Hebron who are taking over Hebron’s Old City in violation of international law, and driving out the Palestinian residents. The NY Mets are aiding the Hebron Fund by allowing it to hold a fundraiser at Citi Field. Read more »

Palestinians to Arab states: You can stop Jerusalem light rail

Palestinians to Arab states: You can stop Jerusalem light rail

The chairman of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ office, Dr. Rafiq Husseini, on Monday urges all Arab countries to cancel their business ties with two French companies – Veolia and Alstom – involved in the construction of a Jerusalem-based light railway which passes through the West Bank. Read more »

Argentina protesters to Peres: You deserve Nobel for murder

Argentina protesters to Peres: You deserve Nobel for murder

The banner referred to 1994 Nobel Peace Prize, which Peres won together with former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat for the peace talks that resulted in the Oslo Accords. Read more »

NYC: Jews Say No! – Planned Protests

NYC: Jews Say No! – Planned Protests

Next Event:
Standing in front of the 92nd Street Y (92nd/Lex), 7:00 – 8:00pm, Nov 21 when Alan Dershowitz comes to the Y.
Please sign the open letter in support of the Goldstone report Read more »

Street in Palestinian refugee camp named after Twitter account

Street in Palestinian refugee camp named after Twitter account

Arjan El Fassed: “Twitter is a great place to connect people with issues. But it’s also good at bridging cultural gaps. For most people, it’s difficult to identify with life in a refugee camp, but by linking it to a global network that resonates with millions, I was aiming to promote a sense of connectedness.”

Immortalize your name on a street: www.jouwstraatnaam.nl

Arjan El Fassed’s Twitter page: http://twitter.com/arjanelfassed

IOA Twitter page: http://twitter.com/IsOccupation Read more »

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