Updated: 6 July 2010
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An Archive Documenting Israel’s Military Occupation of Palestinian Lands

Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘Boycott / Protest / Resistance’

A letter to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk from the Polish Palestine Solidarity Campaign

A letter to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk from the Polish Palestine Solidarity Campaign

The internationally agreed means to ensure ‘never again’ are the Geneva Conventions and Universal Declaration on Human Rights. These are the principles built by survivors of crimes against humanity, following the massacre, resistance and sacrifice of millions. These are principles that protect people from state violence. These are principles that are deliberately universal and not beholden to political party or ideological doctrine. Read more »

Israeli nuclear whistleblower returned to solitary confinement

Israeli nuclear whistleblower returned to solitary confinement

Amnesty International has accused the Israeli authorities of subjecting jailed nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment by holding him in solitary confinement. Read more »

Gaza Flotilla: Demands to Israel Regarding Property

Gaza Flotilla: Demands to Israel Regarding Property

International statement concerning the legal consequences of the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla on 31 May 2010, with a special focus on the war crime of extensive appropriation of property. Read more »

Stéphane Hessel: Gaza Flotilla – Global Citizens Must Respond Where Governments Have Failed

Stéphane Hessel: Gaza Flotilla – Global Citizens Must Respond Where Governments Have Failed

BDS initiative is a moral strategy which has demonstrated its potential for success. Most recently, German Deutsche Bank became the latest of several European institutions to divest from Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems; two main Italian supermarket chains announced a boycott of produce from illegal Israeli settlements; performers Elvis Costello and Gil Scott-Heron cancelled appearances in Israel. Read more »

International Human Rights Volunteers Needed in Palestine

International Human Rights Volunteers Needed in Palestine

IWPS is currently inviting applications from women who would like to join our team of long-term volunteers. Successful applicants will be invited to a 9 day training program in Portugal (Sept 11-19, 2010) and will serve a minimum of one 3 month term in the West Bank, Palestine, as well as supporting our work outside of Palestine. Application Deadline: 31 July 2010. Read more »

Activists disrupt Caterpillar shareholder meeting

Activists disrupt Caterpillar shareholder meeting

While pro-Palestinian activists and supporters of Israel lined opposite sides of South LaSalle Street outside the Northern Trust Building in Chicago on 9 June, James Owens, the outgoing CEO and Chairman of Caterpillar Inc., told a room full of shareholders the company was not responsible for the way Israel uses the bulldozers the company manufactures in the United States. Read more »

Major Israeli supermarket chains boycott Turkish goods

Major Israeli supermarket chains boycott Turkish goods

A number of local supermarket chains are taking a political stand: They have decided to boycott products manufactured in Turkey.

IOA Editor: Israel can boycott the world, but won’t tolerate the world boycotting it. Read more »

Henry Siegman: Israel’s Greatest Loss – Its Moral Imagination

Henry Siegman: Israel’s Greatest Loss – Its Moral Imagination

If a people who so recently experienced such unspeakable inhumanities cannot understand the injustice and suffering its territorial ambitions are inflicting, what hope is there for the rest of us?

IOA Editor: While Israel’s morality (inherent, past, other?) is a figment of Siegman’s imagination, this is an important article in that it makes a powerful connection between the Holocaust and Israel’s Occupation and Gaza crimes. Read more »

Barak Cancels French Visit for Fear of Arrest Involving Gaza Flotilla Attack

Barak Cancels French Visit for Fear of Arrest Involving Gaza Flotilla Attack

A confidential Israeli source informs (and AP confirms) that the real reason [for Barak’s trip cancellation was that Palestinian activists in France had filed legal complaints against him over his involvement in the flotilla affair. He was afraid he might be arrested. Read more »

Saree Makdisi: Don’t single out Helen Thomas

Saree Makdisi: Don’t single out Helen Thomas

Mainstream politicians, civic leaders, university presidents and others in this country routinely express their support for Israel as a Jewish state, despite the fact that such a state only could have been created in a multicultural land by ethnically cleansing it of as many non-Jews as possible. Today, Israel is only able to maintain its Jewish identity because it has established an apartheid regime, both in the occupied territories and within its own borders, and because it continues to reject the Palestinian right of return. Read more »

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