Updated: 6 July 2010
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An Archive Documenting Israel’s Military Occupation of Palestinian Lands

Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘Boycott / Protest / Resistance’

Shin Bet admits watching left-wing activist in West Bank

Shin Bet admits watching left-wing activist in West Bank

Attorney Shatz: “We are pleased that the state has finally admitted that it is the authority in Area A, as if the Oslo Accords have disappeared, and that the ‘bantustan’ known as the Palestinian Authority has no significance. This straightforward position will certainly interest the U.S. secretary of state, in light of the start of proximity talks.” Read more »

3,000 European Jewish intellectuals urge end to Israeli settlements

3,000 European Jewish intellectuals urge end to Israeli settlements

A new leftist European Jewish group, JCall, has written a letter to be delivered Sunday to the European Parliament calling for a cessation of what it calls systematic support for Israeli government decisions… The letter calls occupation and settlements “morally and politically wrong,” noting that they “feed the unacceptable delegitimization process that Israel currently faces abroad.” Read more »

Israeli law proposal: Outlaw organisations reporting on violations

Israeli law proposal: Outlaw organisations reporting on violations

A new law tabled on Wednesday in the Israeli Knesset, seeks to forbid registration of Israeli organizations (NGOs) that are suspected of provision of information or involvement in law suits against Israeli officials or commanders for breaches of International Humanitarian Law, or war crimes. Read more »

Noam Sheizaf: Gil Scott-Heron boycotts Tel Aviv, sends powerful message to Israelis

Noam Sheizaf: Gil Scott-Heron boycotts Tel Aviv, sends powerful message to Israelis

“The [Israeli] enlightened camp” is busy with the endless theatrical performance of their moral difficulties, whose real purpose is to create a barrier between them and all those actions for which they refuse to take responsibility. Thus, when the order arrives, the leftist climbs into the tank without a second thought, but later he will do an anguished film about it for the Cannes festival. Thus the obsessive persecution of settlers. Thus Tel Aviv behaves as if it were a Mediterranean suburb of London while in a spitting distance from it eastward and southward lies an immense jail holding millions of people without rights for over half a century. Read more »

Block Israel’s OECD Membership

Block Israel’s OECD Membership

Israel is about to be admitted to an exclusive economic club, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Despite the Government of Israel’s failure to comply with OECD demands and standards, the organization announced in January 2010 that it will “complete” Israel’s membership by 2010. However, the OECD needs consensus to admit a new member state into the organization, so it only takes ONE country’s dissent to stop Israel from joining until it has met international human rights standards. The Israeli Government has yet to comply with the Goldstone Recommendations and until it does, admission to the OECD should be withheld. Read more »

Matthew Taylor: Gaza War Crimes – When Will UC Stop Funding?

Matthew Taylor: Gaza War Crimes – When Will UC Stop Funding?

“When will the University of California stop funding war crimes against Palestinian civilians and the occupation of Palestinian land? How much longer will grieving mothers have to wait for justice?” UC Berkeley student and JVP activist Matthew Taylor covers the final stretch before tomorrow’s Student Senate vote. Read more »

Hillel Schenker: If our leaders can’t talk…

Hillel Schenker: If our leaders can’t talk…

There are times when civil society has to take the initiative when government leaders are unable or unwilling to do so. Indeed, today, with tensions rising between Israel and Iran… it is time to talk, before it is too late. Read more »

Rachel Giora: Milestones in the history of the Israeli BDS movement – a brief chronology

Rachel Giora: Milestones in the history of the Israeli BDS movement – a brief chronology

Haaretz correspondent Aluf Benn: “Only one thing does bother the Israelis, according to the polls: fear of a diplomatic embargo and an international boycott. The Goldstone Report and the International Court of Justice in The Hague are arousing concern and interest, far more than Obama’s peace speeches.” Read more »

Boycott!: CRH, Divest Now from Apartheid Israel!

Boycott!: CRH, Divest Now from Apartheid Israel!

We, at BOYCOTT!, a group of Israeli citizens, strive to stop our government’s human rights and international law violations, which have been facilitated by the cooperation of international companies. Your company has gone to great lengths in getting involved with the Israeli land and resources annexation, segregation and continued colonization of Palestine. Read more »

Gas canister injures Bil’in protester

Gas canister injures Bil’in protester

A Palestinian citizen of Israel was struck in the head with a high-velocity canister during a Friday protest against the separation wall in the West Bank village of Bil’in. The man, identified as 43-year-old Imad Risqa from Yaffa, was transported to hospital. Read more »

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