Updated: 6 July 2010
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An Archive Documenting Israel’s Military Occupation of Palestinian Lands

Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘Boycott / Protest / Resistance’

Nobel-winning Elders deplore Gaza flotilla attack

Nobel-winning Elders deplore Gaza flotilla attack

The Elders group of past and present world leaders, including former South African president Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, on Monday condemned as “completely inexcusable” the deadly Israeli attack on a flotilla carrying aid for Gaza. Read more »

Free Gaza Calls for ‘Open, Independent’ Investigation Into Deadly Flotilla Raid

Free Gaza Calls for ‘Open, Independent’ Investigation Into Deadly Flotilla Raid

Adam Shapiro: It is utterly absurd to think that we could face down a military with the strength and the kind of technology and weapons that Israel possesses. To even think for a second that we could use violence in any way that would be to our advantage, it’s utterly absurd. Israel has always tried to portray its victims, whether they be internationals like Rachel Corrie or Tom Hurndall or Palestinians, as — to present the victims as the perpetrators. And I think we’re seeing the response of the world today.

IOA Editor: Indeed. See our earlier comments on Israeli propaganda, past and present Read more »

Sephora taken to court over products from Israeli brand Ahava

Sephora taken to court over products from Israeli brand Ahava

LVMH-owned Sephora has been taken to court by the Palestinian rights organisation CAPJPO-EuroPalestine over the sale of cosmetics brand Ahava, according to press reports. Separately, the US women’s peace organisation, CodePink, organised a boycott of the products. Read more »

Nehemia Shtrasler: Our bleeding-heart prime minister

Nehemia Shtrasler: Our bleeding-heart prime minister

How can we rely on those Palestinians? For 43 years, they have been building the settlers’ homes with the sweat of their brows, paving roads for them and building their fences, and then suddenly, out of the blue, a boycott? Is that the way for partners to behave? Is that how they pay us back after we educated them for so many years to be our hewers of wood and drawers of water? Read more »

Adalah updates on Makhoul and Said, and on torture methods used against Makhoul

Adalah updates on Makhoul and Said, and on torture methods used against Makhoul

Adalah: “Trumped-up accusations made in indictments have become alarmingly common practice in security cases in Israel. They aim to justify the complete isolation and use of illegal methods of interrogation against detainees, and the imposition of gag orders on their cases.” Read more »

Janan Abdu, Issam Makhoul: Ameer Makhoul’s arrest is an assault on all Palestinians in Israel

Janan Abdu, Issam Makhoul: Ameer Makhoul’s arrest is an assault on all Palestinians in Israel

Today is the 21st day since the arrest of Ameer Makhoul at his home in Haifa, Israel, under the cover of darkness, by officers of the International Crimes Investigation Unit and General Security Service (GSS or Shabak). The arrest was conducted in a brutal and terrifying manner. Read more »

Chomsky: US must change policy before Israel-Palestine peace deal can be reached

Chomsky: US must change policy before Israel-Palestine peace deal can be reached

Citing the US and Israeli refusal of the Arab Peace Initiative since 1976 until this day, Chomsky countered the mainstream argument that it is Palestinian rejectionism that is blocking a settlement. “These facts are not part of general discourse because they lead to the wrong conclusion. The most crucial facts are invisible if they do not conform to the interests of power,” he said. “If the US changes its policy, Israel has no option but to go along – the parameters agreed upon at Taba would be a start.” Read more »

Ameer Makhoul to face charge of wartime aid to enemy state

Ameer Makhoul to face charge of wartime aid to enemy state

Makhoul’s brother, former MK Issam Makhoul… accused the Shin Bet of employing illegitimate means to “trump up” charges against his brother. The Shin Bet has denied allegations that it used torture to extract information from the suspects. “We will demand that an outside body headed by a judge investigate this matter,” Issam Makhoul said. “We will not hesitate to appeal to an international agency. There’s no doubt that we are about to see a trumped-up case manufactured by the Shin Bet, which operated in dark corners and backrooms to put this together. The results of their investigation should be viewed with doubt.” Read more »

Bil’in filmmaker barred entry to Israel despite acquittal

Bil’in filmmaker barred entry to Israel despite acquittal

Although photojournalist Imad Bornat from Bil’in was acquitted over a year ago on charges of assaulting an officer, police still regard his case as “open” and continue to bar him from entering Israel. Read more »

Tough Love: Israeli civil rights lawyer Emily Schaeffer

Tough Love: Israeli civil rights lawyer Emily Schaeffer

“I guess most Israelis would view me as a traitor… They would ask what right does someone who wasn’t born in Israel and who didn’t serve in the army have to criticize the state? But I came here out of great love, and I don’t intend to keep quiet just because I came from afar. I believe that there is no choice, that Israelis and Palestinians will live together. When I try to build connections between the two sides, I’m working for Israel’s good. The Bil’in people are very special… But they are not a rare species. There are many Palestinians like them.” Read more »

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