Updated: 6 July 2010
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An Archive Documenting Israel’s Military Occupation of Palestinian Lands

Archive for the Category ‘Palestine’

PCHR Strongly Condemns Execution of Two Prisoners by Gaza Government

PCHR Strongly Condemns Execution of Two Prisoners by Gaza Government

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the implementation of two death sentences in the Gaza Strip this morning. These death sentences were carried out without the ratification of the Palestinian President. PCHR reiterates that the ratification of death sentences is an exclusive right of the President of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) under the Code of Criminal Procedures. Read more »

Ramallah is not Palestine

Ramallah is not Palestine

Mr. Wahdan: “This particular class of the bourgeoisie exploited the people who fought the struggle. We did this for their benefit. They were the ones who got something out of it.” Wahdan’s 15-year-old grandson: “They wanted us, with no weapons, to [make the] sacrifice. Their kids have cars and villas, they own phone companies. There’s no equality between someone like that and someone like me, who lives in a house that’s falling apart, and whose father may or may not have enough money to bring bread or have clothes.” Read more »

Dr. Barghouthi Pledges Support To Beleaguered Jerusalemites

Dr. Barghouthi Pledges Support To Beleaguered Jerusalemites

Mustafa Barghouthi: “I do not have any permission issued by the Israeli authorities to enter East Jerusalem, and I do not recognise the fact that Israel has the power to issue permits to Palestinians to enter their city. We are here on the day in which Israel is establishing facts on the ground, to show that we will never give up Jerusalem.” Read more »

Mariam Said: Barenboim-Said Foundation does not promote normalization

Mariam Said: Barenboim-Said Foundation does not promote normalization

Edward [Said] was a visionary and constructive critic who spoke truth to power. He was a courageous and original thinker who was not afraid of taking risks and going against the grain, who always thought in alternative ways that led to opening roads and building bridges. The only thing he most abhorred was criticism that was destructive. Read more »

Candid camera sex scandal shocks Palestinians

Candid camera sex scandal shocks Palestinians

Palestinians were shocked on Thursday after Israeli TV aired a graphic video showing a senior official caught on a hidden camera soliciting sex from a job applicant. The video, parts of which aired on Israel’s Channel 10 earlier this week, was shot by former Palestinian intelligence officer Fahmi Shabaneh, who has accused the Western-backed Palestinian Authority of widespread corruption.

Ha’aretz: Abbas suspends PA aide embroiled in sex tape scandal
Ma’an: Abbas dismisses Rafiq Husseini, appoints investigation committee Read more »

Real per capita income of Palestine plunges

Real per capita income of Palestine plunges

Persistent blockades, destruction of [olive] trees, closure of factories and other repressive and punitive measures by Israel in the occupied territories have massacred the Palestinian economy, widened unemployment and poverty, and killed hopes of the young generation of any recovery under Israel. Read more »

Barghouti wants popular, diplomatic action

Barghouti wants popular, diplomatic action

Marwan Barghouti, former Fatah leader in West Bank, says in interview from his prison cell that peace talks with Israel have failed and now Palestinians must launch popular and diplomatic campaigns to achieve statehood.

Read on Ynetnews.com Read more »

Palestinian PM: Declaration of statehood just a formality

Palestinian PM: Declaration of statehood just a formality

Palestinian officials have said they are preparing to ask the United Nations to endorse an independent state without Israel’s consent because they are losing hope they can achieve their aspirations through peace talks. The announcement drew a harsh rebuke from Israeli officials. Read more »

PLO official: Abbas mandate as president could be extended

PLO official: Abbas mandate as president could be extended

“The PLO central committee will discuss the options to avoid a constitutional vacuum” at its meeting due to take place on December 15, Mohammed Dahlan told reporters in the West Bank town of Ramallah. Read more »

Birzeit hosts leaders to discuss feasibility of Fayyad plan

Birzeit hosts leaders to discuss feasibility of Fayyad plan

Dr Mustafa Barghouthi, secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative, described the plan as essentially “national duty” in its aims to realize Palestinian freedoms, the right of return and the right to Jerusalem. “All of these ideas are acceptable to Palestinians,” he said, and said he thought the plan should see popular support. Read more »

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