Updated: 6 July 2010
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Israeli Occupation Archive - israeli-occupation.org
An Archive Documenting Israel’s Military Occupation of Palestinian Lands

Archive for the Category ‘History’

Tom Segev: The Makings of History / With the wave of a hand

Tom Segev: The Makings of History / With the wave of a hand

Rabin on the killing of 250-400 Lydda residents under his command in 1948: “There was no way to avoid the use of weapons and warning shots in order to force the residents to march 10 to 20 kilometers… The residents of Ramle observed what was happening and learned the lesson. Their leaders agreed to evacuate voluntarily.”

IOA Editor: Not so, for both towns, according to Segev’s coverage. Despite the differing views among Israeli researchers, and the still restricted sources, it is clear that Palestinians did not leave their homes ‘voluntarily.’ Undoubtedly, another reason to award Rabin the N-Prize. Read more »

B’Tselem’s 20th anniversary: Israel’s ‘mark of Cain’

B’Tselem’s 20th anniversary: Israel’s ‘mark of Cain’

A majority of Israelis seem to get by just fine with the occupation, while B’Tselem is met with suspicion and accused of treason. Despite this, over the years in which targeted assassinations, smart bombs, closures, checkpoints, detentions without due process, lack of running water, poverty and a separation fence five minutes from Kfar Sava have all become routine, B’Tselem has continued to undermine the passion for denial, and to defend the rights of Palestinians and thus also the image of Israeli society. Read more »

B’Tselem’s 20th anniversary: They won’t allow us not to know

B’Tselem’s 20th anniversary: They won’t allow us not to know

If not for B’Tselem: The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, the State of Israel would look different today. The occupation might have been even crueler, or just as cruel, but we certainly would look different. In its 20 years of existence, this important human-rights organization may not have succeeded in changing reality, but at least it has made it possible for us to know what that reality was. Read more »

Why is Israel laying claim to an Arab home in Jaffa?

Why is Israel laying claim to an Arab home in Jaffa?

IOA Editor: Another example of Israeli takeover of land and property owned by Palestinian individuals or institutions by “legal” or illegal means – based on the winner’s ability to write the law. This convoluted case – based on special Israeli laws written to legalize, and thus legitimize, the takeover of “abandoned properties” left by Palestinians after the Nakba – shows how Israel’s war against Palestine continues, 61 years after 1948.

A current case, different circumstances, different legal basis, but the very same theme: HERE. Read more »

Jaffa residents ired over lack of Arab street names

Jaffa residents ired over lack of Arab street names

[Jaffa,] a part of [Tel Aviv] where half of the population is Arab, and which has some 400 streets, only five are named after Arabs. Read more »

TAU historian accused of anti-Semitism

TAU historian accused of anti-Semitism

Prof. Shlomo Sand: “I don’t define myself as an anti-Zionist… but I’m not a Zionist… I don’t put into question the existence of Israel… I compare when I am speaking before Arab students the birth of the Israeli state to an act of rape. But even the son that was born of the act of rape… you have to recognize him… the existence of Israel I don’t put in question today.” Read more »

Gilbert Achcar: Why Holocaust Denial Is on the Rise in the Arab World

Gilbert Achcar: Why Holocaust Denial Is on the Rise in the Arab World

The PLO, ever since the armed Palestinian organizations got the upper hand within it after 1967, very quickly came to understand that anti-Semitic discourse is bad in itself and altogether contrary to the interests of the struggle of the Palestinian people. Hence the insistence on the distinction to be made between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, which was the issue in a political battle within the Palestinian movement. Read more »

Yossi Sarid: Abbas must unilaterally declare Palestinian state

Yossi Sarid: Abbas must unilaterally declare Palestinian state

[B]efore Abu Mazen quits… He must declare, unilaterally, the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. Palestine now… Netanyahu finds this possibility very scary, and he expects the Americans to nip it in the bud. But his nightmare is our only chance for an end to the occupation in our time. Read more »

Israel pulls textbook over reference to ‘ethnic cleansing’

Israel pulls textbook over reference to ‘ethnic cleansing’

Israel’s Education Ministry has recalled all copies of a history textbook because of a passage alleging “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians during the 1948 war, a newspaper reported on Monday. Israel’s Haaretz newspaper said the secondary school textbook was removed from shelves because it sought to present both Israeli and Arab perspectives on the departure of some 750,000 Palestinians during the fighting that erupted after the creation of the Jewish state.

IOA Editor: “Deny, deny, deny…” see No Atonement Read more »

Reading Shoah in Gaza

Reading Shoah in Gaza

[I]t is not certain UNRWA will manage to overcome Hamas’ objection to instituting Holocaust studies in Gaza… but the attempt should be encouraged, because it is impossible to understand Israel without understanding the place of the Holocaust in the Israelis’ universe, and one who does not understand his enemy will not be able to make peace with him either. Read more »

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