IOA Editor: For 50 years now, Matzpen, an Israeli anti-Zionist activist organization, has been a leading voice for Palestinian rights, and against the Israeli occupation. Its new website covers decades of steadfast, principled opposition to injustice. Please visit the new Matzpen website, help disseminate it, and link to it from your website or Facebook profile/page. Thank you!

[to the Matzpen website]
In the beginning of February 2012 we circulated an announcement concerning the project of rebuilding the Matzpen archive website, and appealed for contributions to pay for re-typing of articles (for the time being those in Hebrew) from issues of Matzpen. We thank all those of you who have responded to our appeal and made a contribution.
Since then, we have worked on designing and building the new website, transferring (Hebrew) content from the old website, re-typing further articles and posting them on the new website. During this time, over 70 articles have been re-typed and posted, including all the articles from ten issues of Matzpen. These have now been added to the content from seven issues that had been fully posted before. This work is still in progress, and re-typing will continue until all the Hebrew articles that appeared in Matzpen will be posted on the new website.
We are now in a position to announce the official launching of the new website, for the time being containing only Hebrew content: Until the Arabic and English parts are replaced, there are links in the new website, taking you to the old website, where you can find all the existing Arabic and English items.
We invite you to visit the Matzpen Facebook page, to which there is a link from the website, and join it by clicking “Like”. If you do so, you will be notified whenever a new item is posted on the website.
If you are not on Facebook, or if you prefer to be notified of updates in some other way, you can make use of other options: see upper right, below the Search button.
Please invite your friends to visit the new website, share with them or recommend items that may interest them. You may also link to the M site from your website (if you have one), and obtain the M logo from among a large selection of images (in three languages) on this page:
The texts you read in the new site might contain typos and other technical errors. If you come across any of these, please let us know, using the Contact button located at the bottom of each page. Please use this button also to alert us of technical problems: a link that fails to work or leads to a wrong page, a page that fails to come up, etc.
We hope that you will enjoy the new website and find it useful. If you do – use your social network to share your impressions with your friends.
In solidarity,
The Matzpen site team