Jerusalem report: ‘Death to Arabs’ and ‘Kahane was right’ daubed outside bilingual school; Christian monastery defaced with ‘Death to Christians’ and ‘price tag’ inscriptions; Jerusalem police investigating both incidents.
IOA Editor: Israeli “price-tag” extremists do not discriminate: they hate both Christians and Muslims, and do what they can to encourage them to leave Jerusalem and Palestine.
By Talila Nesher and Oz Rosenberg, Haaretz – 7 Feb 2012
‘Death to Arabs’ and ‘Kahane was right’ daubed outside bilingual school; Christian monastery defaced with ‘Death to Christians’ and ‘price tag’ inscriptions; Jerusalem police investigating both incidents.
A Jewish-Arab bilingual school and a Christian monastery in Jerusalem were defaced with graffiti on Tuesday in suspected “price tag” attacks carried out by Jewish extremists.
“Death to Arabs” and “Kahane was right” was daubed in Hebrew on a wall outside the bilingual school.

'Death to Arabs' and 'Kahane was right' written on wall of a Jerusalem Jewish-Arab school - 7 Feb 2012
“Death to Christians” was written on the walls of the Greek monastery, an 11th-century fortress-like holy site situated in a valley overlooked by Israel’s parliament. Moreover, the tires of two cars outside the monastery were punctured.
Jerusalem police are investigating both incidents, and still unsure whether the two events are connected.
The bilingual school is a symbol of coexistence in Jerusalem, in which half the students are Jews and half are Arab who study together in both languages.

'Price tag' and 'Greeks out' written on cars outside a Jerusalem Christian monastery - 7 Feb 2012
Nadia Knani, the principle of the elementary school, said, “It wasn’t just written here, where young children from the ages 3 to 18 study together in coexistence, for no reason. We are trying to digest these horrifying inscriptions.”
Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the words “price tag” were also painted on the Christian monastery overnight by vandals, in the rare attack on a Christian shrine in Jerusalem.
The slogan, used by Jewish settlers in vandalism attacks on mosques and Palestinian homes in the West Bank, refers to the retribution they say they will exact for any attempt by the Israeli government to curb settlement in the territory.
“I am a priest and I forgive,” Father Claudio of the monastery, which is administered by the Greek Orthodox church, said.