Israel’s War Against Palestine: Documenting the Military Occupation of Palestinian and Arab Lands

An evening with Lia Tarachansky

26 December 2011

The Real News Network – 20 Dec 2011

TRNN journalist in Palestine and Israel, Lia Tarachansky, talks about her work

TRNN Senior Editor, Paul Jay, interviews Lia Tarachansky, The Real News’ correspondent in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. They are then joined by a panel, discussing current affairs in the region, the media, and TRNN’s coverage. Joining the panel are Shir Hever (Alternative Information Center), Robert Naiman (Just Foreign Policy), Samah Sabawi (Al Shabaka), Ronnie Barkan (Boycott from Within), and Peter Larson (National Council on Canada Arab Relations).

For more stories by Lia Tarachansky:

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A.B. Talmadge 26 December 2011 at 9:04 AM

Great, and very important, work. Thank you, Lia!

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