Jonathan Cook: recipient of the Martha Gellhorn Special Award for Journalism
By the IOA editor – 6 June 2011
Jonathan Cook, whose work appears regularly on the pages of the IOA, was awarded the Martha Gellhorn Special Award for Journalism.
The award citation reads: “Jonathan Cook’s work on Palestine and Israel, especially his de-coding of official propaganda and his outstanding analysis of events often obfuscated in the mainstream, has made him one of the reliable truth-tellers in the Middle East.”
Indeed. As regular readers of Jonathan Cook’s work already know, Cook’s analysis puts today’s events in an historical context that never fails to decipher the power interests behind the news. His knowledge of Palestinian and Israeli history; his insightful, astute coverage; and his commitment to justice result in unparalleled reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Occupation, and the life of Palestinians under Israeli rule, both within and outside of the 1967 borders.
Other Special Award winners were Pakistani journalist Umar Cheema, and Charles Clover, Moscow correspondent of the Financial Times. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange won the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism.
MORE The 2011 Martha Gellhorn Prizes for Journalism
ALL IOA articles by Jonathan Cook