By Oded Pilavsky, Matzpen – June 2008

Matzpen co-founder Oded Pilavsky
Matzpen co-founder Oded (“Odik”) Pilavsky died last week in Tel Aviv at the age of 79. Three years ago he wrote about how and why he had arrived to the left margin of the Israeli political spectrum. Originally published on the Matzpen website, the article was entitled “How I Arrived to Matzpen.” Haaretz weekend magazine published an edited version of Odik’s article on 22 April 2011. Both versions can be accessed via the links below (Hebrew).
Read the full Matzpen version – June 2008 (Hebrew)
Read the edited Haaretz version – 22 April 2011 (Hebrew, pdf)
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Moshé Machover: Comrade Oded (Odik) Pilavsky
Adam Keller: Oded Pilavsky – 1932-2011