Page Six, The New York Post – 6 Aug 2009

Kristin Davis
“SEX and the City” star Kristin Davis is caught in the crossfire of Mideast politics.
The stunning actress is no longer working as a spokeswoman for human rights/relief organization Oxfam International because she also endorses the Ahava cosmetics line — which is manfactured in what Oxfam regards as “disputed” territory.
Because Ahava is made by Dead Sea Cosmetics in the Mitzhe Shalem Jewish settlement in the West Bank, it’s been controversial — the leftist women’s peace group Code Pink, which accuses America of “war crimes,” has called for a boycott, saying Ahava uses Palestinian natural resources in what it calls “Occupied Palestine.”
“This has been a huge thing,” one source told us. “Ahava has factories on disputed land. From Ahava’s perspective, they are not doing anything wrong. From an Oxfam perspective, Ahava is a polarizing company and Kristin shouldn’t be involved with it.”
Our source said Davis “has been very active with both Oxfam and Ahava, and is very passionate about the causes of Oxfam. She was completely unaware of this conflict of interest and is saddened to be on public pause from a group she has devoted so much time, money, and support to.”
In a statement, Oxfam said, “Kristin Davis has done great work for Oxfam and we highly value her commitment as a supporter . . . Oxfam remains opposed to settlement trade, in which Ahava is engaged. Both Kristin and Oxfam do not want this issue to detract from the great work we have done in the past and plan to do in the future.”
A spokeswoman for Davis told Page Six, “Kristin is passionate about her relationship with Oxfam, and she intends to work with them and other humanitarian causes for years to come.” Ahava had no comment.